And to add to the whackness of the show, they still can't pick a genre to theme their gala night and after their option "My Greatest Performance" comes this week's theme, "I Sing This Song For..." Looks like Formal Theme no. Whatsoever to me. And elementary years haunts me...
Tonight, we start with Fred Flintstone introducing us the Whack 11. We start the night with the one who can only sing Filipino rock songs. Murdering the enunciation of every word of the song You Give Love A Bad Name, I can say that yes, you gave the song a bad rendition. Warren looked too skippy and hoppy and high with his annoying smile. He's just entertaining to watch as he makes a fool of himself.
We then go to Penelope who sang it for Jayann. How cheesy. And she sang So Sick. Again, she did well, but then again, it would be harder to notice since she doesn't improve much per week. Its actually nice that she chose an upbeat song this week proving her versatility but its not where she does her best. I am still hoping for another Wild Horses type of performance because in this point in time, she's not in my Top 2 list na.
Mae Flores did an outstanding job last time. She maximized the time alloted to her which in turn earned praises from the judges and the viewers. This was proved by her being not in the bottom three last round. This week, she did If I Didn't Love You. She sang with promise, and she sang well. My only problem were at some points in her chorus that it felt like pasigaw. But overall, she's still in the top half of the list. I just expected her to deliver another close-to-wow performance after last week's.
One of the better performances of the night came from Rachelle Ann Go's bestfriend Jayann. I mean, "do you really have to attach your name with Rachelle to get votes and to be noticed?" She dances well. And she doesn't get off-tuned while dancing. She doesn't loses power while doing everything. She just has to be convenient and confident with the stage. She performed all these at the back part of the stage! I could have appreciated it more if she made use of the space more.
Shniffer Rei's performances are dwindling down week per week. And I can see him getting eliminated soon.
It's a good thing Daryl Celis chose a Filipino song and sang it for his grandmother. It seemed heartfelt and might just save him for another week. It is definitely his best by far.
Gretchen Espina improved quite a bit this week. But still, it's nothing much compared to those who sang the song before. In short, for the nth time, nothing special. And a request to her stylist, cut her bangs already! It's irritating.
Shnobby Navarro gave a good performance. Minus the annoying kulots which I think made the performance "overdone", it was really good. I just find it hard not to laugh predicting line after line, that he'll sing it with an "i-yi-iiii-yiii" again. And the legend continues until the "repeat till fade" part.
Kid Camaya is such a breathe of fresh air. He has the best vocals in the competition. His style is remarkable. Only thing is he lacks personality and sense of fashion style. I don't know with you guys, but I want to hear more of Kid. If you really want an Idol, then he's the best that GMA can battle with ABS' roster of singing champions. Kid has definitely what it takes to be the Pinoy Idol. This round, he sang "I'll Never Love This Way Again" and his rendition was fabulous given the short span of time the show gave to them.
I'm yawning and it means its Ramboo once again. How the hell did the theme of this week's round coincide with Banal na Aso? He sings it to the people of the Philippines and what a song choice!?! Like, who the heck would be touched with such dumb song choice? He doesn't improve. He's still the Bamboo fan we've been seeing since the start and its about time for him to go.
And what a way to end the night! End it with a lame performance like Sue Uling's version of In The End. And as I imagined, she made it her own and added a little Salbakuta feel in it. Not to mention, her piyok at the first part didn't really go out pretty well. She has a unique voice, yes. But I'd rather have her sing chipmunk songs than to be the first Pinoy Idol. I won't mind if she goes next.
Vote for the Worst Pinoy POWER RANKING:
01. Kid Camaya
02. Jayann Bautista
03. Penelope
04. Mae Flores
05. Robby Navarro
06. Daryl Celis
07. Ram Chaves
08. Warren Antig
09. Gretchen Espina
10. Toffer Rei
11. Sue Ellen
As to who's going home? Kid, Ram and Toffer are the ones in danger for the male finalists. Sue and Penelope are the ones in danger for the female finalists. I can see Kid, Penelope and Toffer in the bottom group tomorrow. And I think its gonna be Toffer.