Here's an update:
Bye bye SHNIFFER REI! We will miss you here at Vote for the Worst Pinoy. Toffer Rei, Daryl Celis and Ram Chaves are the bottom three.And I am hoping Ram goes home tonight. Sayonara, turtle-head.
Two of the remaining goodies in the competition exited the show last night, it's no surprise as Walton Zerrudo and Meryl David got the boot. Meryl's lack of looks and personality got the best of her. Her performance last Saturday was okay and one of the best ones. Though one of the most consistent ones in the competition, Meryl, who confessed that Lauryn Hill mostly influences her music style, was voted out last night. She sang Killing Me Softly . Even if the judges gave the hype to Walton Zerrudo, he still lost his way to stardom. Even owning the night last Friday, Walton received the lowest number of votes along with Kid and Toffer in the Bottom 3. Along with Meryl in the bottom three were the best of the performance night: Mae Flores and Jeni Rawolle. --- Comments. It's actually suspicious since they only eliminated two this round (one male, one female). Can't they afford Kid, Toffer, Jeni, or Mae (some of the better contestants) to leave the show? If they want the...